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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 25, 20221 min read
Cat is the cause of the Mummy's Curse
If you give this comic any thought, it really starts to unravel. First, how is the mummy using the toilet with all that wrapping in...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 19, 20221 min read
Shark is deadly serious about Spooky Season
If there's anything more terrifying than a shark leaping out of the water in front of your face, it's that same shark offering you some...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 13, 20221 min read
Hungry dog tests out built-in alarm system
Let's hear it for the dogs who have very effective alarm systems, which they use when their patience is wearing thin ... especially when...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 11, 20221 min read
Does a bear shop for ear necklaces on Etsy?
Does a bear shop on Etsy? Highly unlikely. Also, I'm not sure you can buy human ear necklaces on Etsy. So ... I'm a little suspicious of...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 6, 20221 min read
A common misunderstanding among penguins
Penguin humor! It's exactly what the world needs at this moment in time, right? A big Thank You to those ice hole penguins and that ice...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Oct 5, 20221 min read
Things get awkward with the Sad Alligator
Did you know October is Sad Alligator Awareness Month? You didn't? That's because it's not. But it should be. Here at Captain Scratchy,...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 20, 20221 min read
Barking at waffles is just the beginning
Dogs should be forgiven for barking at waffles. And they should be EXPECTED to lose their minds over bacon and other greasy food items.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 19, 20221 min read
The Sad Alligator is sadder than ever
It's the return of Sad Alligator! Dolphin and Seal are clearly messin' with Gator, but it's Manatee's brutal honesty that delivers the...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 4, 20221 min read
I think we all know how this shark sneeze will end
Probably not a good idea for the guy to hang around just to say "bless you" to the shark. By the way, this comic just became my fourth...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Sep 1, 20221 min read
Is that a bear behind you???
This recently became my most popular post of all time on Instagram. As I post this, it has 740,000 likes (updated Sept. 4) and has been...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 30, 20221 min read
Generous bear goes a little too far
The bear was being so generous and helpful ... but then went a little too far. Meanwhile, the manatee seems a little confused by the...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 25, 20221 min read
An honest mistake sends dog into a downward spiral
This is based on a true story about a dog who indeed started therapy but never admitted to secretly liking the cat food.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 22, 20221 min read
Goldfish has no exit strategy
Goldfish need a better exit strategy for getting out of a bad one-way conversation. By the way, the popular belief is that goldfish have...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 17, 20221 min read
When Hammerhead met Manatee
I really admire the self-confidence of our beloved manatee, although sometimes it's a bit over the top.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 14, 20221 min read
Shark says "See you later, alligator!"
The sad alligator returns for another heartbreaking episode. The poor guy can't catch a break. And just to be clear: Those are NOT...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 10, 20221 min read
A little incentive for a trip to the Dog Park
To anyone who worries that their dogs will do something highly embarrassing at the dog park, lighten up! Dogs just want to have fun ......
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 4, 20221 min read
Shark does not get the seal of approval
Let's hear it for the heartwarming friendship between a great white shark and a seal! It's a friendship that is destined to last a...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 26, 20221 min read
Shark Week is great, but why is there no Manatee Week?
I'm a fan of Shark Week, but I'd be even more excited for Manatee Week, especially if there's extended footage of a coffee-deprived...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 19, 20221 min read
Sad alligator meets a sensible crocodile. You won't believe what happens next!
I couldn't resist doing a follow-up to my "Sad Alligator" comic, because that one generated such a huge response on Instagram. As of this...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 18, 20221 min read
Dog not at all bothered by his humans leaving
Sometimes dogs just want to say a proper goodbye, even if it means clinging to your leg for a few hundred yards.
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