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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 5, 20211 min read
Olympic swimming with a shark
Spectators have rated it the most popular event of the Olympics, for obvious reasons. But when you actually witness it, you'll find it...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Aug 4, 20211 min read
A bear teaches a man to fish
Have wiser words ever been spoken, especially by a bear? If this one looks familiar, it's because I fished it out of the Old Favorites...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 27, 20211 min read
A horse sits down in a restaurant...
You can lead a horse to wine but it's probably better to lead him to water if he's got an important race in about an hour and his jockey...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 8, 20211 min read
Service at the sloth restaurant is a bit slow
Yes, the service is a bit slow, but you hang in there because the food is so good and you want to support sloths in the workforce. Plus,...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 6, 20211 min read
A horse looks for a roll in the hay
A horse walks into a bar looking for a roll in the hay but his intentions are misinterpreted and he has to explain himself and it's all...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 5, 20211 min read
Dog loves drunken holiday cookouts
It happens. Grilled meats are dropped during drunken holiday cookouts and dogs are instantly on the case. It seems like justice for the...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 4, 20211 min read
Dog hides from Fourth of July fireworks
You’ve got to feel sorry for dogs on the Fourth of July. They’re terrorized by fireworks, AND they have to watch their humans stuff...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jul 2, 20211 min read
Cat aces the job interview
The job requirements for the position of cat are pretty straightforward and most cats are cool with those requirements, so the interview...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 27, 20211 min read
A horse walks into a restaurant...
I don't mean to be rude, but he does in fact look like he was raised in a barn. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Anyway, it's...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 24, 20211 min read
A bear walks into a restroom ...
Someday bears will take revenge on cartoonists for all the "Does a bear shit in the woods" cartoons. But until then, we'll keep them...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 14, 20211 min read
The cat celebrates Flag Day
Look! The cat remembered that today is Flag Day! No, check that. It’s the same flag the cat puts up every day.
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 11, 20211 min read
Chicken smells a trap
You'll be happy to know that the chicken decided not to put all of its eggs in one basket, avoiding certain disaster. Sadly, a few hours...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 8, 20211 min read
A night out with a horse
Sure, it seems like a silly question. But everybody's having a little trouble getting into the flow of social interaction these days,...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 3, 20211 min read
The Not So Busy Beaver
It's embarrassing how we've bought into the myth of the "always busy beaver" when in fact it's the "always getting their drink on...
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Chuck Ingwersen
Jun 2, 20211 min read
Good Cat Advice from Doctor Fuzzy Face
It's no surprise that Dr. Fuzzy Face has been voted "Best Cat Doctor" by the readers of Healthy Cat Magazine for five years running....
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 30, 20211 min read
There goes the shark's diet plan
Sometimes shark cartoons write themselves. Other times they don't and you have to convince the shark to write the cartoon, and he gets...
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 26, 20211 min read
Cat in a box gives advice
When you're new to a certain activity, it's always good to consult an expert on that activity. But even as someone who knows very little...
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 24, 20211 min read
Shark is warming up the water
The world was waiting for a "shark peeing in the kiddie pool, horrifying a horse and an inebriated beaver" comic. I'm glad I was here to...
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 20, 20211 min read
Never underestimate a barking dog
A dog's ability to bark for hours at waffles is one of the most impressive skills found among any living creature. I can bark at waffles...
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Chuck Ingwersen
May 12, 20211 min read
That is definitely a suspicious mole
Moles are naturally suspicious creatures, but they are especially suspicious about being the subject of puns and lazy humor. With that in...
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